One of the most powerful spells in the mage’s repertoire. It makes the whole party temporarily magic resistant, and makes one PC you select immune to ALL damage for a short time. Protection When cast, you select a wand, staff, or rod in your possession, and it gains a charge. There is a chance of melting the item, which increases with the number of charges already there. Recharge When cast, the entire party is blessed and hasted, and has their weapons mildly poisoned. Major Blessing This spell sends a wave of force out from the caster, damaging everyone nearby. The farther someone is from the caster, the more damage is taken, out to a radius of 10. Don’t cast in towns. Shockwave When cast, all monsters within 8 spaces of the caster are slowed and heavily cursed. Ravage Enemy The deadly Kill spell deals a devastating blow to one target you select. Kill When cast, the caster begins to radiate a horrible aura of fear. All monsters within 12 spaces lose a lot of morale. This spell gains effectiveness rapidly with the level of the caster. Group Fear This spell makes the targeted monster very poisoned. This spell does a huge amount of damage, but it takes time to take effect. Major Poison This spell has a chance (increasing with level) of destroying magical barriers. Some barriers are harder to dispel than others; some cannot be dispelled. Some barriers can be walked through. Dispel Barrier This spell is like fireball, but does more damage, and affects all creatures within two spaces of the space you target. Be careful not to fry your party! Fire Storm Gives the entire party double the actions for a time depending on the level of the caster. All haste spells take effect at the beginning of the next round. Major Haste This powerful spell makes monsters less likely to see you for a time which depends on your level. Try casting it before walking through a room crowded with monsters. Stealth This powerful spell gives you a vision of the entire level. Your map will show you the entire area. However, to cast this spell requires a sapphire. Magic Map Makes all monsters within a 12 space radius move at half speed for a time. Slow Group Slams the target with a heavy, pointed bolt of ice. Effective against monsters who are resistant to fire. Damage increases as level of caster increases. Ice Bolt This makes poison run thick in the veins of the target. Repeated castings will have a devastating effect. Poison Like scare, but much more powerful. Fear Like the first level light spell, but much more effective. Long Light Fires a powerful ball of flame, which affects the target space and every space adjacent. The damage done increases with the level of the caster. Fireball Makes the selected PC get twice the usual number of actions for a long time. All haste spells take effect at the beginning of the next round. Haste Some doors are magically locked, and others are just hard to open. This spell can unlock them. However, it isn’t guaranteed to succeed, and won’t work on all doors. Unlock Doors This spell puts poison on the weapon of the selected PC, with no chance of failure or accidental poisoning. Envenom Makes the victim incompetent: easier to hit, easier to damage, and less able to attack you. Dumbfound Makes the victim get half its usual number of actions for a while. Slow Fires a decent-sized bolt of flame at the target. The damage done increases with the level of the caster. Flame Poisons the target creature. This does a fair amount of damage, but it takes time to happen. Minor Poison Decreases the morale of the victim. Casting this on a weak foe will make the foe flee. If the monster doesn't flee, later castings have a higher chance of success. Scare Makes the selected PC more skilled for a short time. Works like the priest spell ‘Bless.’ Strength Makes the selected PC move faster for a while. All haste spells take effect at the beginning of the next round. Minor Haste Fires a weak bolt of electricity at an enemy. Spark Creates a weak light. Light